First Week With Disco Tray Studios
Okay so hi blog! It has been a little bit since my last post, but I am exited to start back on creating consistent blog posts.
I have just started my first week at Disco Tray Studios, and it has been an exciting yet frustrating experience. Going into my first meeting on Wednesday, I had no idea what to expect. I was a little nervous to get thrown into a team of people that have been working together all semester, but I was excited to get started.
After introductions, I was launched straight into getting some work done. When everyone turned to work on their projects, I was told to add my name and picture to the Disco Tray Website. At first, I was shocked and kind of taken back. I thought, “Well I don’t know how to do this. I just got here.” Then, I remembered I took an entire class about making websites, so I just went and did it. This one “exercise” was enough to make me feel like I understood what to do and like I “belonged” with this team. This was the exciting part…
…and this was the frustrating part. I was assigned to finishing up the Hendrix SOS website with Ryan and Zoie. Basically, it just does not work. When I try to run the website, it starts up localhost, but no pages are loaded. Even better, there are no errors thrown at me, so I do not know how to even begin to solve thr problem. I have tried messing around with trusting an https certificate. I have tried updating all of my software on my machine. I have tried spinning my laptop on my head while balancing on one leg. None of it has worked, and I am not sure what the next steps are to get it working.
I was able to at least create a privacy policy for our website. This is something we needed, but I cannot add it to the website with the current issues.
I will continue to try to fix the issue with the website. It has been incredibly frustrating, but it has got to work out eventually. Hopefully we can get it figured out in week 2!