Second Partner Meeting Presentation
For the second client meeting, we needed to create a working demo of our final project. We did have a demo, and it did work, but it was very barebones. Our client was still very excited to see the work that we have done, and was thrilled to see how the the finished product will look. I was taking notes throughout our meeting so that we could implement any suggestions that our client had.
The project is actually looking pretty good right now. Our database is set up well, and I do not anticipate having to do any big project restructures in the future.
Moving forward, I plan to continue working with the team to improve the website. There is a lot of stuff that we need to do in the backend, and we still have a lot of work to do with styling. For the backend stuff, we still need the admin to be able to approve the forms, we need to get rid of unneccesary classes, we need to consolidate two classes into one, and I am in charge of being able to search students by ID number. In terms of styling, I am in charge of making this look like any other Hendrix website. Luckily, one of the team members has the official Hendrix color pallete and font so this should not be too big of a challenge.